Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday in the Park – August 22, 2010

I was out for a walk this morning in Benjakiti Park. It really is an oasis, given that it is surrounded by high-rise office and apartment buildings. As the sign reads, it is meant “to provide the refreshments” to people living in the neighborhood.

Thought the Boston folks might enjoy a photo of the swan boats here, though I’ve yet to see anyone out in them.

Since today is Sunday, I was out a little later than normal. Around 8:00 AM, some music started to play over loudspeakers – sort of a swaying, lilting song. Then, a male recorded voice spoke for about 15 seconds – couldn’t understand it, but it sounded very official and inspirational. Then, some bells chimed – like a clock striking the hour. Then, the national anthem started to play. At least, I think it was the national anthem – it had that sort of “John Phillips Sousa” march, 4/4 beat to it. But the interesting thing was that everyone stopped what they were doing – including me. Walkers stopped walking, runners stopped running, cyclists stopped cycling. People who were sitting on benches or lying on the grass got up. And we all stood “at attention” while the music played. Then, about 30 seconds later, it stopped and everyone went back about their business.

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